The historical ages in Anatolia

The history starts with scripture. At this sense, human being’s finding the scripture is the turning point in history. The period before the scripture is named as prehistoric period and by the usage of scripture the periods are named as historical ages. The first usage of scripture has been reclined on 3200 BC in Egypt and Mesopotamia. The usage of scripture became widespread in Anatolia starting from 1900 BC. The scripture has been brought to Anatolia by Assyrians who had commercial aims. That’s why, the beginning of Historical Ages in Anatolia befitted to Assyrians Commercial Colonies Era (1900-1800 BC).

Hittites and scripture

It is known that the Hittites are the first community in Anatolia, used scripture. The Hittites used two different types of scriptures. One of them was cuneiform script which they have learnt from Assyrian trade men and the other was Hittite hieroglyph. They have translated Assyrian cuneiform script into their own language and used it mainly for commercial correspondences. Later on the other cuneiform script that used by Hittites was Babylon originated and used between 1650 BC and 1200 BC. The scripture known as Hittite Hieroglyph was developed by LUVIs, one of Anatolian communities. This type of scripture has been developed on the basis of symbols during the Assyrian Colonies Era and later on it has become a scripture of diagram and syllables. The Hittites mostly used this scripture on cave carved and stone monuments. The language of this scripture mostly used by the local inhabitants called LUVICIAN.