Built between 1726-1727 under Damat Ibrahim Pasha’s direction, it consists of a mosque, madrasah, library, sibyan mektebi (junior school), imaret (kitchens for madrasah students) and Turkish bath. Kursunlu Mosque: Known as Damat Ibrahim Pasha mosque. However because its domes are made out of lead, locally it is called Kursunlu Mosque (Leaded Mosque). It was built by head architect Mehmet AQa and his foreman Serkis and located in a courtyard surrounded by high and thick walls. The courtyard has three entrances. The west side door which is also used today has double arches. The inner arch is decorated with verses from the era’s famous poet Nedim. The main area of the mosque is reached through a wooden door with two arches. The lower arch is decorated with verses from Seyyid Vehbi. This square shaped main area is covered with a,dome. The exterior of the building has a simple architecture, however the interior has been adorned with stencilled motifs from the Lale Era. The minaret on the north side of the mosque is built in the baroque style and embellished with Acanthus leaves. The Ablutions Fountain: It stands in the middle of the courtyard, on top of 8 marble pillars and covered with lead. The body of the water tank has 12 corners. The taps are separated by small marble pillars. The gutter of the wooden interior domes is decorated with geometrical shapes and zigzags.
Medrese (School): Built at the same time, it stands on the west side of the mosque. Cut stone was used in its construction. After being refurbished in 1961 it was reopened as a Public Library. The arched entry door of the medrese contains an epigraph from Seyyid Vehbi. A square shaped courtyard holds domed medrese rooms containing cupboards and stoves.
Library: Located to the north east of medrese, it dates to 1727. The interior of this domed square structure is decorated with stencils. It is known that Damat Ibrahim Pasha presented 187 volumes to the library. Imaret (Kitchen): Built in 1726, it stands south of the medrese. It consists of two rooms, a kitchen, toilets and a storage room carved in rock. It was used as a prison for some time and in 1949 transformed into a museum. Today it is used as a soup kitchen.
Sibyan Mektebi (Junior School): Located to the south of the Imaret in the same courtyard, the first floor of this two-storey building was carved in rock. Today it is used as a storage depot. The second floor is made of cut stone and has three domed rooms each holding a window looking onto the courtyard.
Turkish Bath: Built in 1727 to the north of the mosque complex, it consists of separate buildings that are made out of cut stone. An octagonal saloon on the top floor holds changing rooms with wood cladding. There is an octagonal pool in the middle of the domed saloon.
Fountains: There are two fountains in the mosques complex; the first one is on the north wall of the mosque courtyard, and the other one, which holds an epigraph by Seyyid Vehbi (a poet), is on the supporting wall on the corner of Sibyan Mektebi. Both are adorned with various decorations.