Ayvali Church: It was built as dual space. Spaces are connected to each other by a door. Ornaments dated back to periods of before and after iconoclasm (726-843) can be seen together. A fresco on the connection door showing the Four Riders of Armageddon is spectacular. Hagh (Crossed) Church: There are two relief crosses at the plain roof of the church: the big one is Latin cross, and small one is Malta cross. At the end of the single main space, the apsis of the church takes place, and several frescoes at the apsis. You can see the fresco describing symbolically Jesus and four Bible writers around him. Yovakim and Anna Church: As known, Yovakim and Anna shown at the scene of Maria’s birth at the frescoes of the church are father and mother of Maria. The name of the church comes from this case. Although it was painted before the Iconoclasm, it is one of rare churches of which frescoes reached today. This church is a group of buildings. There are small chapels on right and left sides of the main church. The left one is a grave chapel. This group of buildings is guessed once being a monastery.